Chocolate for Life

Our story begins in ancient central America where cacao grows in the Amazon forest, a Mayan woman is grinding fermented and dried cacao seeds in stoneware to a cacao paste. She then mixes it with water, chili peppers and corn meal. She stands and pours the mixture into a container below. Pouring from container into…

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Goji Berries: 7 Reasons it’s a Super Snack

Goji Berries like a lot of super fruits are getting more recognition for all their vitamins, nutrients and massive benefits. Superfruits use has been growing with much research showing promising health benefits because of the bioavailability of antioxidants and phytochemicals. (1) The goji berry is high in these benefits. Native to China, a goji berry…

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Get Your Maca On: 5 Reasons to Love this Superfood

This superfood is accustomed to adversity and is ready to take on your body’s stresses. Where other plants shy away from growing in difficult conditions, Maca does its best. It keeps growing in conditions with hail, frost, high altitudes, and prolonged droughts. This hardy root vegetable has grown high in the Andes Mountains under harsh…

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