How Well Do You Know Your GMOs

If we saw a movie or television show where the government or a private organization was controlling the population by adding a foreign component to the food supply, we would think that the people who came up with the idea were conspiracy theorists. For that very reason, most people will be surprised to learn this…

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Are You a Metal Head?

Metal can be bad for you- not the metal music but the metals in the environment. We have learned a lot about metals over the past half a century. Before Ozzy was getting his metal on there were children who played with toxic metals to learn about them and metals are still impacting children, and…

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The Biggest Mistake in Healthcare

As I was sitting in my Chicago hotel room after I had just finished speaking at a conference, I turned on the news and the new statistics for Autism had come out. I see so many children who have been diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum, so of course, my ears perked up. Not…

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Glyphosate. Roundup The Usual Suspects.

By Dr. Patrick Flynn As I walked to my car the other day I noticed a healthy dose of weeds growing at the edge of my driveway, and even a few in the crack between cement slabs. I hate weeds, and they certainly make it look like we’re the hillbillies of the neighborhood. They need…

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