Don’t Feed the Monsters! 10 Treats with No Tricks

The doorbell rings as the streetlights come on. It keeps ringing and the dogs are barking. Who is on the other side of the door? Is it a princess, a super hero or a monster looking for sugar? As you rush to the door, you grab the bowl of treats. You reach for the door…

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ADHD, A “Fictitious Disease?”

By Doctor Patrick Flynn Believe it or not, there was a time in my life when teachers had problems with me. And it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me until I met my wife. My teachers labelled me as “troubled and hyper,” what would now be called Attention Deficit…

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Just Breathe: Tool for Calm Kids

Your child looks up at you with big panicked eyes. Your heart wants to jump into action to take away whatever is causing them pain or frustration. Right now, it’s that little Andy has taken their toy, or a friend made fun of their shirt, but those problems get bigger just as kids do. Stressed…

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