PMS is Not Normal

Let me say that again – PMS is NOT normal. Just because something is common does not make it normal. Just because your doctor tells you it’s part of being a woman, doesn’t mean it is. It’s one of the biggest myths and leaves a lot of women suffering because they think they just have…

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Are You a Metal Head?

Metal can be bad for you- not the metal music but the metals in the environment. We have learned a lot about metals over the past half a century. Before Ozzy was getting his metal on there were children who played with toxic metals to learn about them and metals are still impacting children, and…

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The Tiny Food That Makes You Feel Super

You’re conquering the world, but it’s really hard to feel super if you don’t have enough protein and iron in your diet. You might feel tired and worn down. We know of something for your inner super hero! Spirulina- it’s an easy way to get more protein and iron into your diet. Spirulina sounds like…

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Pump that Iron: 9 Ways to Help Boost Iron and Prevent Anemia

Anemia is more common in women than men so knowing how to pump up your iron stores is important for many women. It is estimated that 37% percent of women worldwide are iron deficient. (1) Time to pump some iron levels up! There are ways to boost iron. Why are women more deficient? It can…

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