Stop Playing Hide and Seek with Inflammation!

WHAT IS CRP? There is one test that is so foundational to what we do at Pathway To Wellness that it’s a regular part of most of our test panels. It’s called the high sensitivity- C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) test, and it is the best, general marker for inflammation in the body. Here’s how it works. When inflammation is…

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DETOXING: What You Need To Know

Rich food. Stagnant air. Too much sugar. Flu shots. Feeling lousy? This is the time of year when we naturally turn to thoughts of getting our body back into tip-top shape. Our head is already wrapped around the idea of health so why not act right away. But where to start? Is exercise going to…

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Pump that Iron: 9 Ways to Help Boost Iron and Prevent Anemia

Anemia is more common in women than men so knowing how to pump up your iron stores is important for many women. It is estimated that 37% percent of women worldwide are iron deficient. (1) Time to pump some iron levels up! There are ways to boost iron. Why are women more deficient? It can…

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