Veggie Hype or Veggie King: 3 Clinical Benefits of Kale

The timer for the oven goes off so my daughter, Callista, and I look at each other. It’s time to race to the kitchen because if I don’t get there soon, my little girl will eat all of my favorite vegetables. Don’t get me wrong, I’m like most of you and I don’t really like vegetables. If all foods had the same health effects, I would eat bread all day long. So, I understand if you have a problem with veggies, but hear me out on this awesome veggie. My favorite vegetable, kale, is my chosen vegetable because of the amazing health benefits and because my wife, Christy, does an incredible job preparing it.

Because of the numerous antioxidants, minerals, phytochemicals and other nutrients, there are so many health benefits that you can Google easily. The benefits you will find are that it’s anti-inflammatory, cancer-preventative, and it’s detoxifying. There are so many more, but I’m going to talk to you today about my 3 favorite clinical benefits.

Doc’s 3 Favorite Clinical Benefits of Kale

1 – Helps Balance Hormones and Reduce Breast Cancer

I’m known for my work with hormones so this is one of my favorite benefits of kale. Listen ladies, here’s my opinion. If you can start adding kale into your diet, it’s going to dramatically reduce your chance of getting breast cancer. The reason why I love kale for women is its hormonal effects on the liver. It’s great for the hormones of both men and women, but especially beneficial for women.

Here’s the facts we know. Hormones convert into different metabolites in the liver. What will you find in kale? The nutrients, the enzymes, the cofactors and everything need to convert those hormones is in this great vegetable. Kale is loaded with Indole-3-Carbinol which when it mixes with our stomach acids converts to DIM (or scientifically known as Diindolylmethane). It’s a tough one to say but it helps convert estrogens to the most beneficial forms. It will convert estriol and estrone into the more protective 2-hydroxyestradiol and 2-hydroxyestrone. Those are the good estrogens that protect you from cancer

With all our bad habits our bodies are being bombarded with estrogens, and they need to be pushed in the right direction. This can be beneficial to all of us, and yes, I’m talking to those with man-boobs too. Most people don’t even know this information, and some people, including clinicians and nutritionists, will try to push DIM as a supplement. As a clinician, I like to see you get what your body needs from food. Food is the best way to get the nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals that work together for your body to convert those into what it requires. If testing shows the body is not converting hormones properly there is something simple and inexpensive that I recommend first. Eat more kale. It can have amazing results.

2 – Boost Testosterone and Sex Drive in Men

Kale can have a different effect on a man’s body than on a woman’s body. Isn’t that so cool? A man and a woman can each sit down to a plate of kale and their individual bodies will convert it to what it needs. It blows my mind how amazing the body is. Kale can result in a testosterone boost in men. Or actually protect the testosterone in men.

This amazing vegetable contains a natural aromatase inhibitor. Aromatase inhibitors stop testosterone from being converted into estrogen. Men need testosterone and having healthy testosterone levels can lead to more energy, better sex drive and overall well-being. I hope men (and women) are running out to buy some good, organic kale. Both men and women can get amazing and unique benefits of kale.

3 – Reduces Acne

The global skincare market is worth over 100 billion dollars a year. Cosmetically, adding foods like kale to your diet will help you, and your skin, greatly. It supports your body in a few different ways. Kale will help balance your hormones, it is packed with nutrients and antioxidants, and it has a secret weapon that skin care companies covet. What’s the secret weapon? It’s packed with vitamin A, which is found in so many over the counter drugs and prescription medications. Ever heard of Accutane or Retin-A? They are a synthetic derivative of vitamin A. In this form it’s fat-soluble and can build up to be very toxic for the liver.

Kale has 206% of the recommended daily value of vitamin A. It comes in the form of beta carotene which the body then converts into the vitamin A it needs. Vitamin A is by far the most beneficial nutrient for your skin. That’s why all the skin care companies are trying to enhance it in your skin. Which do you think is better for you, medications or good, organic kale?

It has great levels of potassium, manganese, vitamin K, vitamin C and more. It can clear up cystic acne, eczema, and so many skin problems. It’s also great for supporting a healthy skin tone and preventing wrinkles. The best part about it is you don’t need a prescription to start this right away.

Eating Kale is Healthy and Tasty

Kale is something so simple that every grocery store has, and it can do so much for your health. Eating nutritious foods is so much better than buying supplements. The great thing about getting nutrients from your food is that you can’t eat too much of them

My favorite vegetable, kale, will help make you be sexy, vibrant, energetic and all these other great things. It’s natural, has no side-effects and is inexpensive. I hope I’ve shown you how beneficial this vegetable is.  Go out and by some good, organic kale. Eat your veggies so you can go out and live your best life possible.

Written by Dr. Patrick Flynn

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