Wake Up Your Skin: Detoxifying Coffee Mask

Is your skin tired? Wake it up! Detoxify and feed your skin with coffee in the form of a coffee mask. It will brighten and tighten your skin.

We all know there are lots of benefits to coffee. It helps get the day going as one of the most used drugs, yes it’s a drug. Coffee is a stimulant that has lots great health benefits. It’s great for the gall bladder, cleans out the liver, stimulates blood flow, helps production of elastin and collagen, and so much more. It’s great for your insides and great for your outsides when you treat your skin to a nice coffee mask.

Coffee will also stimulate blood flow for your skin while producing elastin and collagen to diminish those fine lines. More importantly, it feeds your skin! It drive nutrients into cells so if you make a great coffee mask with quality ingredient you are going to get nutrients to the largest organ on your body. The organ that also is first line of defense to protect your body. It takes a bit of a beating- no wonder it’s tired!

Make Your Own Coffee Mask

Make a mask with ingredients like these but, as always, be aware of your own allergies. You also need to choose quality, organic ingredients. Coffee drives nutrients into the cells but, if you’re not using a quality product, it can also drive in toxins! It is notorious for being loaded with pesticides – for real benefits, organic isn’t optional on this one.

  • Coffee Grounds have so many benefits if you choose a quality, organic coffee it will stimulate blood flow and get rid of fine lines while brightening your skin.
  • Avocado for great essential fatty acids that will nourish and smooth your skin.
  • Coconut oil is amazing for your skin it is hydrating and great for all skin types. It is loaded with antioxidants, is antimicrobial, and has a small SPF to add to its protective benefits. If your skin is sensitive to coconut oil choose another oil.
  • Honey is microbial and has lots of nutrients!
  • Cacao has theobromine which is a sister to caffeine and can tighten skin and reduce puffiness. It also has great antioxidants. It will combine with the coffee and coconut oil for an invigorating smell.
  • Frankincense and Lavender Essential Oils are our favorite oils for adding to skin care products. Frankincense reduces inflammation, prevents aging, is antiseptic and fights wrinkles. Lavender reduces acne, is an antioxidant, reduces inflammation and reverses aging. Both essential oils reduce stress which is important for health skin and a healthy body!

Mix these ingredients together for an indulgent coffee mask. You can just mix for a mask with more exfoliation or blend all ingredients in a food processor for a smoother cream. Apply to the skin in a circular motion for exfoliation and leave on your skin for 15- 30 minutes. A short time later, no more tired skin and your skin will be detoxified.

Learn More!

Want to learn more benefits to coffee? Check out these coffee quick tips!